Michele Tafoya and Liz Collin Talk About “They’re Lying”

Host Michele Tafoya interviewed Liz Collin, the Emmy-winning investigative journalist and author of the new book, They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd on the Townhall Review radio show.

Michele asked Liz about her unique situation in relation to the death of George Floyd and the riots. Liz’s husband was the president of the police union at the time and had to coordinate the firing of the four police officers involved: Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander King, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao. Liz was also working for WCCO, a CBS affiliate station in the Twin Cities when the riots broke out in Minneapolis. Liz also talks about how she became a target of cancel culture and received bomb threats in the mail.

You can follow and read more about Michele on Twitter.

Liz’ book is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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